How it began

The Circumpolar Crafters Network (CCN) was formed in 2019 to revitalize the traditions and production of authentic Inuit and Indigenous seal products. Inaugural members were from a number of circumpolar countries and were committed to working together, to share knowledge and skills, in a spirit of mutual respect for cultural traditions, and adhere to ethical, economic, and environmental principles. From this, the Proudly Indigenous Crafts & Designs project was created in the fall of 2020.

Proudly Indigenous Seal Products Online Store

Our online store showcase seal products made by Indigenous crafters from the circumpolar North and bring more awareness to seal products that come from traditional sources and values.

Sharing our stewardship

Much has been done to create better awareness in broader markets surrounding the environmental necessity of the seal harvest and the sustainability of seal products however, efforts to broaden market reach are underway. Developed in partnership with the Seals & Sealing Network (SSN) who also launched Canadian Seal Products, the Proudly Indigenous Crafts & Designs marketing strategy will outline work to expand on existing markets and identify new ones through digital marketing with a focus on online channels such as web based promotion and social media.

Become a PIC&D Vendor

Become a Vendor on the Proudly Indigenous Crafts &Designs online store and get the opportunity to reach new customers for your authentic seal products.

Become a Vendor

Everything you always wanted to know about seal fur, seal harvest sustainability and indigenous sealing traditions!